

academy geyser


Geyser is a crowdfunding website. It lets you run your own campaigns and gives you the option to connect your own node to your crowdfund.


To connect Geyser to your own node, your node needs to be reachable through IPv4. You will also need to open the gRPC port as explained in the guide below. You will also need a Geyser account.

Information to collect

In the course of this guide, we’ll need:

1) Public Key

We can get our node’s public key with the command lncli getinfo. It should be labelled “identify pubkey”

2) IP Address

Depending on your configuration, you might find your IP address already in your configuration file or in the output of lncli getinfo. You may also be able to obtain it from your hosting provider or by running curl icanhazip.com, assuming curl is installed on your machine.

3) Shut down LND

Now we will shut down LND. If you set up your node using the Nodeacademy guides, you can do that with sudo systemctl stop litd.service. Otherwise lncli stop should work well, too.

4) Amend the configuration file

We are going to use port 10009 in this tutorial, as it is the standard port. You may use any other port, for example to further obfuscate how your server is reachable and what is running on it.

We’ll have to add a few lines to our lit.conf configuration file found in ~/.lit. If you set up your node using the Nodeacademy guides and are running Litd in integrated mode, you may use the following:

lnd.tlsextraip=<your IPv4 address>

Optionally you may also add your IPv6 address or domain name, if one is pointed to your node:

lnd.tlsextraip=<your IPv6 address>
lnd.tlsextradomain=<your domain>

If you are not running litd, but rather LND-only, you may omit lnd. from the configuration settings above, e.g.:

tlsextraip=<your IPv4 address>

5) Delete the old TLS key and certificate

Before we can generate a new TLS key and certificate, we will have to delete the old ones.

rm ~/.lnd/tls.key

rm ~/.lnd/tls.cert

6) Start LND

We can now start LND again. If you are set up using the Nodeacademy guides, you can run:

sudo systemctl start litd.service

Otherwise, start LND as you are used to.

7) Get the new TLS certificate and invoice macaroon

We will need the new TLS certificate and our node’s invoice macaroon, encoded with Base64.

base64 ~/.lnd/tls.cert

base64 ~/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/invoice.macaroon

Beware of line breaks when copying these values!

8) Firewall

If you have a firewall configured, don’t forget to open the gRPC port. For example for nodes configured with ufw through the Nodeacademy guides:

sudo ufw allow 10009

9) Configure your Geyser account

Once you’re logged into your Geyser account, you can go to your project, click Edit, Connect Wallet and finally Connect Node. Enter the information as obtained above and test it!

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